Sunday, March 28, 2010

Green and Blue- Pear still life oil painting - 5x5

This weekend my sweetheart of a husband planned an overnight trip for us to go skiing at Beaver Creek. What a nice weekend of rest before we had to come back to repairs and packing....well it would have been if I hadn't taken a nasty fall the first day, my head still hurts, my neck hurts even more. I do not like lots powder and heavy falling snow... not a good combination. At least it was at the end of the season and not the beginning, and it meant Zach got to go ski the blacks for a change :)

Oil on gessobord panel, 5x5 inches


  1. I like the deep colors in this one--also the very cool reflections in the plate. Beautiful! And, sorry about your fall...ouch!

  2. I like the shadows - what'd you mix to get the shadows in the pear?

  3. I think it was sap green, ultramarine, and a little burnt sienna...I kind of don't pay attention though :)
