Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Spot, Sunset - 6x6

I'm trying very hard to get ready for all the upcoming shows this summer, check out my events page for more information on them.   I really enjoyed painting this new take on The Spot, it felt so dramatic, I love the contrasts that happen during sunset. 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

Monday, May 30, 2011

Linden Sunset - 6x6 - & Show Results

I found out yesterday that I won first place in the "Urban/Architectural Landscape" category in the Art Along the Creek show (yay for blue ribbons!).  And second place in the "Figure/Portrait" category... that one really made me laugh, you all know I hardly ever paint people! And certainly not well enough to win an award :)  

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cliff Commission - 5x5

A little commission I did of my favorite beach spot...at least my favorite to paint.  This will probably be the last commission I can accept for a while, I will be so busy preparing for upcoming shows! 

Oil on panel, 5x5 

Also if you're in town this weekend stop by the SCAPE Art Along the Creek Show, especially if you're already at the mission checking out the chalk paintings! It's a pretty big show with LOTS of paintings...and I would know since I typed them all into the spreadsheet yesterday.  I have three there (and I had nightmares all night about them blowing away in all this wind we've been having....). But even with the wind it's a good show and you should check it out :) 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Number 400! Santa Barbara Harbor Series XXII - 12x12

This is my 400th daily painting! Wow.  I guess if you want to learn something, just do it over and over, and by number 400 it will feel much easier :) 

Oil on panel, 12x12 inches
Available at the Santa Barbara Tennis Club, July 2012

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Going Home - Original Oil Painting - 5x7

I love this time of day, not quite sunset, but almost.  The light is just perfect then. 

Oil on panel, 5x7 inches

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Invite for Carp-A-Cabana - 8x10

I was asked to create the image for the Carp-A-Cabana invite this year, a fundraiser for the Carpinteria Education Foundation.  This painting will be auctioned off at the event on September 10th. 

Oil on cradled panel, 8x10 inches

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Corner House Carpinteria - 9x12

I liked the small version I did of this house so much that I knew I needed to do a larger one.  

Oil on panel, 9x12 inches
 Click here to view in my shop

Monday, May 23, 2011

Grump - 6x6

Zach said this guy was upset because someone took his snack...that's what I thought too. 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Three Strawberries - 6x6

I'm loving the bright red color of these strawberries :) 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

Friday, May 20, 2011

Berries on Blue - Still life oil painting - 5x7

I've been wanting to paint some strawberries for a while now....but I kept forgetting and eating them all before I could.  

Oil on canvas panel, 5x7 inches

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Shoreline Beach Cafe - 5x7

I'm on a quest to find that perfect bright umbrella blue, this is almost it, but not quite. I have found the perfect turquoise color thanks to a little beauty called Cobalt Teal...future paintings might be painted just so I can use that color :) 

Oil on panel, 5x7 inches

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sandyland Sunrise - 8x10

I have some big shows coming up this summer!  I think I may have overcommitted myself a bit, hopefully I can handle it.  It just means that I'll be painting like a mad woman for the next month or so, and probably hoarding my new paintings so I don't sell out before the show. 

I'm really happy about this new painting.  I have always loved this spot at sunrise, but never quite figured out compositionally how to paint it.  Finally it "dawned" on me (wow, I hate myself for typing that, but Zach loves puns, so I'm going leave it). 

Oil on panel, 8x10 inches

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Beach Shadows - 5x7

The beach was full of interesting and dramatic shadows this morning.  They added some fun new shapes to regular flat sand :) 

Oil on panel, 5x7 inches

Monday, May 16, 2011

Snack Time - 6x6

Seagulls are hysterical.  I can't decide if they're really smart (like crows!) or really dumb.  On the one hand I've seen them eat plenty of stuff that isn't actually food, but I've also seen them stake out campsites, waiting patiently for the people to leave and then figuring out how to open every bag, even the ones the owners tucked "safely" away from the birds.  Or how about when they repeatedly drop a clam from  high in the air until they get it open?

Ok, maybe they're smart.  

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Anacapa Lighthouse - 5x7

Zach took me on a trip to the Channel Islands for my birthday, and I was super excited when we came across this lighthouse. 

Oil on panel, 5x7  inches

Friday, May 13, 2011

Morning Grocery Run - 6x6

Blogger is kind of a mess today, it deleted my last post and all the posts that I had saved as drafts, so I apologize to anyone that received duplicate emails.  

One of the few other people on the beach at sunrise, I don't know which beautiful beach house she lived in, but she seemed very happy walking home with her bad of groceries.  

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Carpinteria Beach Morning - 6x6

I love sunrise on the beach, everything is so calm, so peaceful.  There's usually only one or two other people out, and most of the sand has just been raked,  everything feels clean :) 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Salt Marsh Clouds - 18x24

I painted this one a while ago, but I couldn't photograph it until now.  They were replacing our roof last week and dropping nails and stuff everywhere, I didn't want to risk taking it outside.  Thank goodness they're finally done! A week of pounding was not fun at all. 

Oil on canvas, 18x24 inches

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Boys in a Pasture" after Winslow Homer - 5x5

I think this will be the last one in my little series, at least for now.  Time to get back to some real painting! I have so much to do!

Oil on panel, 5x5 inches

Monday, May 9, 2011

My Studio: The Virtual Tour

I didn't waste any space on this wall! There's a little more space now though, since some of those
sold this weekend. My large color chart helps me remember what I have in my paint drawer, which can get pretty cluttered. That drafting table has moved with me 3 times and somehow still stands :) 
I love the frames I found for my little 6x6 inch paintings, I think it really makes them pop.
This mirror is a crucial element in my studio, I'm constantly turning to look at the reverse of what I'm painting, to spot anything that might look awkward.  It's amazing what the mirror can find that I can't. 
Me and my bestie! 
I love that I have these shelves, they act as a storage area and as a drying rack
for all those little paintings. 
Even more storage! My hoard of painting panels. 
I dream of a much more organized way of storing paint tubes, but I think I'd have to build it myself, and I'm  no carpenter.  So for now this drawer will have to do. 
My large and mini easel.  Both are great when I'm not just holding my painting (usually my middle finger and thumb are covered with paint from holding whatever I'm working on). 
Computer station, where I'm sitting right now typing out this blog post :) 
And of course this post wouldn't be complete without a shot of studio cat. 
Studio cat is always upside down, and always stealing my chair!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"The Lighthouse at Two Lights" after Edward Hopper - 6x6

The studio tour was much busier than I expected it to be yesterday! I had lots of visitors and was so touched that people came to see my work.  It was also the most I've ever had to talk about my own paintings...something I'm not very good at, it makes me feel like I'm being egotistical or something.  I definitely need practice at it, so I guess this studio tour is good for me in lots of ways.  And hopefully more people will stop by today :) 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches


Friday, May 6, 2011

"Long Branch, New Jersey" after Winslow Homer - 5x5

Things are looking much better in the studio today! I didn't waste any wall space, and all of my paintings are successfully hung.  I'll post some photos next week, a virtual studio tour if you will, for those that can't make it this weekend :) 

Oil on panel, 5x5 inches

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"The Beach at Trouville" after Eugene Louis Boudin

My studio is a disaster this morning! I spent a good amount of time yesterday framing lots of paintings... so now they're scattered on the floor until I can figure out how to hang them on the walls, it's like a puzzle trying to get them all to fit. 

Continuing my little series today with this piece after Eugene Louis Boudin.  I gave up the palette knife for this one.  I always think I'm going to like using the knife but it turns out I rarely do.  

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches
Click here to view in my shop

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"On The Cliff" after Winslow Homer - 6x6

I'm starting a brief new series, I felt a little bit stuck and a little frustrated (which always seems to happen after I complete a few paintings that I really like...).  I find that mixing things up a little often helps.  So I'm doing a series of small paintings based on other larger paintings by artists I admire. I'm trying to keep it loose, even a little abstract.  So far I'm really enjoying this little experiment. 

Oil on panel, 6x6 inches

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Linden Sunset - 6x12

Judging went well yesterday, I wish my high school had an art program like that! They even had ceramics and sculpture! 

Below is my attempt to capture one of the prettiest times of day (in my opinion), unfortunately it's also one of the most fleeting.  

Oil on panel, 6x12 inches

Monday, May 2, 2011

Preview of my studio sale!

The following pieces are a few that will be offered at very special prices for my Studio Tour visitors! I will also have a free gift and snacks for everyone who stops by! It's this weekend, May 7-8, don't forget to visit (I'm #19)!
                                             9x12 inches

8x16 inches

12x16 inches

12x24 inches each

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cabrillo Drive - Original Oil Painting - 5x7

I helping to judge a student art show tomorrow afternoon, I can't wait to see what they've done.  I've never gotten to play judge before, how fun :) 

Oil on panel, 5x7 inches