Sunday, February 28, 2010

Summer Lovin' -- Still life oil painting - 6x6

Another avocado to add to the series, I think this will be my last for a while. I'm pretty excited about the new ideas spinning around in my head.

avocado painting
6x6 inches, oil on stretched canvas - SOLD

Friday, February 26, 2010

Winter Night - Daily Painting

There's a light buried in a tree on the corner of our street, and for some reason when night falls (and especially when it snows) it looks so beautiful.

Colorado winter oil painting

6x6, oil on 3/8 inch thick gessobord panel


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Avocado in Purple - Still life oil painting

Hey guess what came today? Art supplies! Finally!
Today's painting is a little different than usual, I don't think I've ever used purple as a background color before, but I kind of enjoyed it. I guess purple and I have a love/hate relationship.

avocado oil painting

6x6 inches, oil on stretched canvas - SOLD

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tiny Avocado - Still Life Oil Painting

I'm almost out of these little canvases, those supplies better get here soon!

avocado oil painting
2.5x3.5 inches, oil on stretched canvas - SOLD

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lonely Pear - Still life oil painting

Another pear oil painting for today, I'm not going to lie I'm glad that I found these tiny canvases while the Olympics are on, more time to watch :)

pear oil painting


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tiny Pear - Still life oil painting

I found these tiny canvases hiding in my studio, I had completely forgotten about them. So they are what I'll be working with for the next few days.

Today, a tiny pear oil painting

pear oil painting
2.5 x 3.5 inches oil on stretched canvas - SOLD

Saturday, February 20, 2010

They Were Off My Path - Daily painting

I used my last cradled gessobord for today's painting. I reordered weeks ago for more but they have yet to come. That means I get to go rummaging through my studio for canvases that I have forgotten about, and everything will get reorganized. Kind of like how I used leftovers of everything to make dinner actually tasted really good. So hooray for mid Winter cleaning :)

6x6 inches on cradled gessobord


Friday, February 19, 2010

California Avocado - Still life oil painting

I think avocados might be my new favorite subject, this still life was very fun to paint.

6x6 inches, oil on stretched canvas

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'll Be Your Friend - Still life oil painting

Sometimes when I get frustrated with my paintings I take a break and just paint something fun that I know will turn out how I want it to. For me it's usually these little pear oil paintings, I love the colors I get to use and the shapes of the pears.

6x6 inches, oil on stretched canvas - SOLD

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Caught in the rain - Daily painting

I haven't done many paintings like this one, I'm usually not attracted to busy scenes. But this one had an atmosphere that I wanted to try to capture.

6x6 on cradled gessobord

Monday, February 15, 2010

Denver Skyline - Daily painting

This is another version of my previous painting that I did for my husband. I think I might like this one better than the first.

denver daily painting
6x6 inches, oil on gessobord panel

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Working together - daily painting

It's so cold outside right now, and I think it got reflected in today's painting. I should have picked a warmer subject. I'm still cold, time to go put on another sweater.

still life oil painting

6x6 inches, oil on stretched canvas

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Carpinteria Bluffs - daily painting

I wasn't able to post a painting yesterday because my husband took me on a romantic getaway for our early Valentines day :) but I'm back today this piece. It turned out a little... umm...I don't even know what to call it... it just wasn't how I thought it would turn out. But it is a painting of one of my favorite places, which I miss very much...especially in the winter.

Carpinteria oil painting
6x6 inches, oil on cradled gessobord


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hot Stuff - daily painting

Today I decided to paint these two flirty jalapenos. And this time I remembered to wear gloves and not touch my eyes when I diced them up to make guacamole!

still life oil painting

6x6 oil on deep stretched canvas - SOLD

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Shadows on the bridge - daily painting

I really enjoyed working on this piece, maybe I've been painting too many still life's. This landscape was a welcomed change :)

landscape daily painting
6x6 oil on gessobord panel


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lemons in a bowl - daily painting

I had so much fun painting this piece. Lemons are probably the most cheerful fruit there is, and I don't think I'll ever get tired of our blue wedding bowls.

lemon still life
oil on 6x6 stretched canvas - SOLD

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dusk - daily painting

This was my first painting on my new cradled gessobord panels. I'm very happy that it turned out ok, those panels are expensive!

I'm also pretty surprised that I managed to get a good shot of it, it's snowing outside but apparently the light is good :)

6x6, oil on cradled masonite
to purchase click here

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Part of the club

I'm really enjoying this fruit series, lemons are so much fun to paint, and yellow is such a happy color.

still life oil painting
6x6 oil on stretched canvas

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Argument

I love painting pears, I think I always will. I like how they're never the same shape, each one has unique curves. I also love blue and green together, which anyone who went to my wedding already knows :)

pear oil painting
oil on stretched canvas - 6x6 - SOLD

Friday, February 5, 2010

Red Delicious

I started this one without really expecting much, but I really like how it turned out. Why is that always the case? A painting I think will be awesome is far from it, but one I think will be boring somehow isn't?

oil on canvas - 6x6 - SOLD

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I was pretty happy with how this one turned out, I'm upset that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get a decent photo of it. It's prettier in person, I swear.

still life oil painting
Oil on stretched canvas - 6x6

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pears on a plate - daily painting

I love this one, it's not very often that I like a piece so much that I don't want to list it for sale. This one is going to stay with me for a while.

pear oil painting

6x6, oil on stretched canvas - sold :(

I discovered something wonderful during yesterdays daily painting. Mixing up your own medium, two parts spirits + one part walnut oil = perfect painting bliss. I'm really excited to keep using it. I'm also really excited about the 5 new paintings that are still too wet to photograph, they'll be up soon.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Denver from City Park - daily painting

This one is part of my husband's Valentine's day gift, even though it's already in his office.

6x6 oil on deep stretched canvas, not for sale