Here's a shout out for my upcoming show. It officially opens June 6th (which also happens to be my due date, so we'll see if I actually attend). It will be at Bella Rosa Gallery in Santa Barbara (1103 State St, right next to The French Press). The show will run until the end of July, and there will be plenty of work to see! The owner is even being super nice to me and picking up all my work, so I don't have to lug it all down there...carrying things is a bit of a challenge lately :)
Here's a link with a little more 1st Thursday information. And
here's a map of all the galleries that participate, I'm at number 11.
Oil on panel, 16x16 inches
Available at Bella Rosa Gallery, June-July 2013
In other news we moved into our new home on Saturday! And I'm about 75% unpacked, the only thing slowing me down is that the two bathrooms aren't finished (we don't have sinks yet). But still, not bad progress for 4 days (and 39 weeks pregnant lol). We're loving it here!