Saturday, September 20, 2014

Jellybowl Rock - 18x24

What a perfect perch to stop and watch the waves.  I was drawn to paint this piece because of the dark shadows in the rock, and the purply shadow it was casting on the ground.  Also the deep teal of the ocean waves were just crying to be painted! 

Oil on canvas - 18x24 inches
Available at En Plein Air Gallery, Carpinteria 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Bluffs in Gold - 9x12

Nap fights, tantrums, and FLEAS.  That is what my week has been filled with. Needless to say there's been very little time to paint.  The good news is we got a new vacuum to fight the fleas and I'm ridiculously in love with it. 

I painted this one a few weeks ago and I'm finally getting around to posting it.  I loved the gold tones of the field contrasted with the blueness of the sky.  It was fun to play with these bright colors. 

Oil on canvas panel
9x12 inches